What does ATM mean?

An slang acronym that means "At The Moment" — often used in texts or online to indicate what someone is doing currently.


Other definitions of ATM:

  • An acronym for "Automated Teller Machine" which allow remote bank transactions.
  • An acronym for "Ass To Mouth" — this is a sexual act in which objects are removed from the anus and then inserted into a mouth.
  • Stands for "At the Moment", used to indicate what is going on presently.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of ATM that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • I'm pretty busy ATM, so call back in an hour.

  • Just hit up the ATM and pull some cash out of the checking account.

  • He was down with ATM. In fact, he was pretty enthusiastic about it. Have to be safe and clean though.

  • ATM, we're in Australia. I'll text you back when we get to the states.


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