What does DA mean?

A slang variation of the word "The", as in "Da Best".


Other definitions of DA:

  • Can be an acronym for "Dumb Ass", a very stupid person/thing.
  • Translates to "Yes" in Russian from да, which sounds like "Da".
  • An acronym for "Dead Ass", which means completely serious or literally.
  • May stand for "Dick Appointment", which is a scheduled sex session involving a penis.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of DA that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • I'm da besss. My car pool; it's got a slide in it.

  • Don't be such a DA. You know what I mean!

  • Da. Krutój u tebjá prikíd, čuvák! (Yes. Sick threads, man!)

  • Dude, after staying up all night and working, I'm DA tired. Long sleep for me.

  • So, can I fit you in for a DA later tonight? Wink wink.


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