What does ETA mean?

An acronym for "Estimated Time of Arrival" — used to communicate approximations of travel.


Other definitions of ETA:

  • An acronym for "Edited to Add", frequently used online to indicate modifying a post.
  • Can stand for "Euskadi Ta Akatasuna", a paramilitary group in Northern Spain that aims for Basque independence. The group was labeled as a terrorist organization after a series of lethal attacks since 1968.
  • An archaic, derogatory slang term for a group comprising the lowest rank of Japan's Edo-period caste system. Also known as Burakumin, their work usually involved handling human bodies or animal carcasses.
  • Stands for "Estimated Time for Arrival". Can be used as a question so other will know when to expect you.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of ETA that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Person 1: ETA?
    Person 2: Be there in 15 minutes.

  • E.T.A. some references I used to create this blog post.

  • The series of ETA terrorist attacks have taken over 300 civilian lives since 1968.

  • The Eta were disrespected and treated very poorly. The kanji used in their naming is compromised of "dirty" and "many".

  • What's your ETA?


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