What does OAN mean?

Usually used as an abbreviation for "on another note"


Other definitions of OAN:

  • Also a shorter way to refer to One America News Network (OANN)
  • One Awful Network
  • Own, as in ownage or pwnage
  • Online anonymous name
  • Dude, man, bloke (British)

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How to use the term

  • If you're getting your news from OAN, might as well start chugging that bleach.

  • OAN, noodles are tasty.


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Watermelon Sugar

This term refers to the Harry Styles song of the same name, Watermelon Sugar. In the song, Styles demonstrates his adoration of the substance and the high he experiences around it. When prompted in multiple interviews, the artist alluded that the song is not about oral sex (as many have assumed), but instead the emotional feeling one experience at the beginning of a new relationship.