What does BOOKMARK mean?

Tagging someone or something to keep it in place for later, when you're ready for them/it.


Other definitions of BOOKMARK:

  • A term that refers to an object that marks which certain page in a book so the reader can continue from that point.
  • The act of being left to speak with someone when the person who introduced you goes to talk to someone more interesting.
  • A player in hockey who sits on the bench between the forwards and the defense, and doesn't not get put on the ice that often.

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How to use the term

  • Have you seen my bookmark? I have to leave this book here and I don't want to lose my place.

  • I'm definitely bookmarking them for later. I don't want to embarrass myself right now, but I'm very interested.

  • You just bookmarked me and her and ran off, dude. It was pretty awkward.

  • Dude is such a bookmark. He might as well take off his skates.


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