What does Ratchet mean?

A hip-hop slang term that was once an insult meaning uncouth or ill-fit. The word is similar to "wretched", said with a Louisianan dialect, and has since come to be a compliment.


Other definitions of Ratchet:

  • Mispronunciation of the word "wretched" that has a few connotations within rap culture. It can mean poor or "hot mess", but also real and unfiltered.
  • Alteration of the word "wretched" that sounds like "rat shit" — a semi-offensive term within the hip-hop community. It is, however, beginning to be co-opted once again to mean fierce or genuine.
  • A derogatory term for a person, usually female and particularly women of color, who is tasteless or classless. However the term has transformed meaning and can mean fierce or real.

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How to use the term

  • I'm a savage (yeah)
    Classy, bougie, ratchet (yeah)
    -Megan Thee Stallion, SAVAGE

  • My problem with Miss Cyrus stems from her appropriating Black culture, specifically ratchet culture, to make her music more urban.

  • Covered from head to toe in my knock-off designer shell, I had finally become the ratchet person I was meant to be.


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