What does SLANG mean?

A commonly used terms and phrases in language that may or may not be the correct and or actually intended use of those words; slang may also not be actual words at all but compiled or created words & phrases that have become widely accepted.


Other definitions of SLANG:

  • Informal terms that have come to mean something colloquially, requiring insider knowledge to catch the drift. Cool people know Slang.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of SLANG that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Where should I go to define this slang term? If only there was a website I could check.

  • You gotta sling that slang if you wanna to hang.


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More slang terms:



An abbreviation of chloroquine, an unproven and unsupported treatment method for COVID-19. It's original purpose is as a malaria medicine.



if you ask me



Good luck, have fun, talk to you later