What does O.O mean?

A slang text emote that can appear as a number of things, depending on which O are capitalized. Can be either a blank stare, confusion, or surprise and shock.


Other definitions of O.O:

  • Shock or puzzlement emoji via text.
  • Wide eyed emoticon that is used to show shock via text.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of O.O that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Person 1: I did it! I finally dropped out and joined a clowning college!
    Person 2: o.o

  • o.o — Stare, lost
    o.O — Confusion
    O.O — Surprise

  • Wait, are you confused or mad? O.O can mean so many things!


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Most usages of "OTN" on the Internet these days are of Japanese origin and refer by sound-alike to the Japanese slang terms "ochin" (child's testicles) and (especially) "ochinchin" (child's penis). The term is especialy used in the phrase "gigantic OTN" meaning that a boy has a very large penis for a person of his age. As of mid-2015, the term OTN is popular primarily because of the song "Gigantic OTN" (look it up on YouTube).



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