What does Best Boy mean?

Movie production worker assisting with lighting or rigging setup

Best Boy

Other definitions of Best Boy:

  • Term of affectionate praise referring to a favored male character, person, or animal
  • A wholesome internet slang used humorously or affectionately for pets or adored fictional characters

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How to use the term
Best Boy:

  • See that guy juggling cables? That is our best boy responsible for not electrocuting us all

  • OMG, look how obedient he is, Frodo is hands-down the best boy

  • My cat finally sat still during a Zoom meeting, I hereby proclaim him best boy for today

The Curious Case of the Best Boy: Unraveling a Term of Cinematic Charm and Millennial Whimsy

Oh, ye curious wanderer of modern slang and weirdly specific production titles! If ever you've read a movie credit list and wondered who the hallowed 'Best Boy' could possibly be, venture onward through this text, and enlighten thyself. Hold your applause, please—it's not the award for most well-behaved set employee, though it probably should be.

What the Heck is a Best Boy Anyway?

With a term sounding more akin to a prize at a dog show than a serious crew position, the 'Best Boy' traditionally refers to a film set technician's assistant. Specifically:

  • The assistant under the Gaffer, who deals with lighting
  • The assistant under the Key Grip, overseeing the grip department responsible for all rigging and camera mounting hardware

Yes, this brave soul juggles cables, moves equipment, and essentially makes sure the entire lighting or rigging operation doesn’t collapse, mildly electrocute the actors, or interrupt the flawless smear of Leonardo DiCaprio's hair gel.

The Delightful Origins of the Phrase

Historically (as films evolved out of their primordial ooze), the head technician would yell at assistants by calling out for their 'best boy' to come help with the heavier technical duties. The title stuck around, etching itself permanently into production lexicons, proving yet again humanity’s ironic affinity for infantile simplicity amidst complex tasks.

The Evolution: From Movie Sets to Internet Pets

In recent years, thanks to the restless creative spirits dwelling in the corridors of social media, the term 'best boy' made its surprising jump from Hollywood studios right onto your smartphone screens.

  • Appreciative pet owners began affectionately praising their pooches or felines as 'best boys,' usually following exemplary behavior—staying adorable, refraining from furniture destruction, or gracing Instagram with their photogenic splendour
  • Fans adopted this charming moniker for beloved male fictional characters, typically displaying wholesomeness, loyalty, or generally becoming the subject of internet adoration—characters ranging from Lord of the Rings' Samwise Gamgee to Game of Thrones' Jon Snow (when not being excessively mopey)

Thus, 'Best Boy' achieved the curious transformation from physical labour to unabashedly emotional support.

Cultural Significance: Gen Z, Pets, and Wholesome Culture

'Best Boy' has truly found comfort in the warm, inviting embrace of Gen Z vernacular—wielded generously online, especially within fandom and pet-lover communities. These righteous individuals celebrate affectionately, generating memes, TikTok compilations, and Reddit threads dedicated toward crowning their favourite fictional hero, canine companion, or feline overlord the prestigious 'Best Boy' title.

Variations and Equally Adorable Cousins

  • Best Boi: The 'boi' spelling slightly tweaks the meaning, granting it an extra layer of internet meme-credibility, oozing a dash of playful mockery or edginess.
  • Goodest Boy: An intensification for extraordinary pets, amplifying their charm by deliberately embracing childish grammar.

A Whiff of Controversy?

The innocence and cheerful spirit of 'Best Boy' leave little room for controversy—unless, of course, your species affiliation skews felinely inclined, and you refuse to grant canine supremacy. So far, no major linguistic scandals erupting around this humble idiom, which is—frankly—refreshing in our relentlessly scandal-hungry era.

The Verdict: A Beacon of Quirky Wholesomeness

Whether earning their keep meticulously streamlining a film set, gracing your feed with fetchingly innocent puppy eyes, or bestowing fictional characters the love they definitely, undeniably deserve—Best Boys continue to exist as glimmers of simplicity and earnest approval in convoluted modern dialogues.

So, onwards and upwards, intrepid reader! Next time you observe film credits rolling, let your chest swell with pride at that noble character assisting behind the scenes, whose robust physicality single-handedly protects Kurts and Quentins alike from tangled cords and toppled lighting rigs. And gently laugh as you whisper digital blessings upon your feline or canine overlord, bestowing them the impactful honour of becoming today's—or perhaps every day's—undeniable, wholesome, and ever-charming Best Boy.


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