What does Cuckold mean?

A usually derogatory slang term for a husband of an adulterous wife. Originates from the cuckoo bird, which has evolved to trick other species into raising its offspring.


Other definitions of Cuckold:

  • A man who let's his significant other sleep with others, usually other men. The practice often brings both partners pleasure: the man may derive pleasure from seeing his partner satisfied, but may also enjoy the humiliation aspect.
  • A term for a husband who lets his wife sleep around as a form of sexual humiliation. The husband will often watch the act, adding to the humiliations, and may be asked to participate in some way, perhaps via masturbation.
  • A sexual practice in which a husband shares his wife with others. The term has grown in popularity within the alt-right as a way to attack other's masculinity.

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How to use the term

  • I used to watch my wife flirt with other and get so mad and jealous. After I opened up to the idea of letting others pleasure her, we both enjoyed the lifestyle and I became a cuckold.

  • Well, my husband's a cuckold, so don't feel bad for hitting on me; maybe we can ask if he likes you too.

  • The cuckold sat in the corner, touching himself, as his wife went wild.


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