What does ESKI mean?

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More slang terms:

A slang term referring to high-quality, potent cannabis, particularly exotic strains.

A girl who enjoys snow sports like skiing or snowboarding, or a girl who pretends to enjoy snow sports for clout.

"I Know You're F'n Lying," expressing sheer disbelief or astonishment at something absurdly ridiculous.

Shortened slang for 'Bout That Action', used to describe someone ready and willing to engage in an activity, often referring to something risky or rebellious.

Slang acronym humorously adopted to mock someone overly dramatic, standing for 'Too Precious, Much Sensitive'.

Shortened slang acronym for 'Lowkey', signifying subtle enthusiasm or understatement.

"Got me F'd up," used online to express disbelief, irritation, or feeling misinterpreted, often humorously or sarcastically.

A slang term originating from Japanese meaning 'pilot' or 'navigator', often used metaphorically for someone who guides or leads.

A playful euphemism for a kiss, deriving from the chocolate brand Hershey's kisses.

Mythological divine beings often portrayed as youthful maidens inhabiting rivers, woods, or mountains.

A subculture where individuals claim to be transitioning from one racial or ethnic identity to another.