What does Mami mean?

A Spanish slang term for referring to a woman, especially when used affectionately. Literally means "mommy".

Other definitions of Mami:

  • Spanish for "mommy", though the term is often used to refer to a romantic partner, or close female friend.
  • Spanish nickname for a woman that you would consider making the mother of your children.
  • A popular Filipino noodle soup that has wheat flour noodles and various meats.
  • Can refer specifically to an attractive, Lantina woman. Often used in Central American hip-hop.
  • May refer to the goddess from Ancient Mesopotamian religion, depicted in Atra-Hasis as a progenitor, creating humankind from clay and blood.

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How to use the term

  • Let me help you with that, mami.

  • No, mami, I was not catcalling. I wanted to speak with you about the environment, if you have a moment.

  • Let me get that number, mami.

  • Let's go get some hot mami. I like wontons in mine.

  • "I like it when you call me mami."
    -Paloma Mami

  • Did Mami pinch off thirteen or fourteen pieces of clay when she formed womb deities? I always forget.

Video related to Mami


Paloma Mami - Mami (Official Video) | YouTube

  • A Song that mentions "Mami."
  • A 2019 single by popular Chilean-American singer Paloma Mami. In the song, sung mostly in Spanish, the chorus contains the line "I like it when you call me mami", a reference to the designation of attractive women that the term often implies.

  • Check it Out

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