What does Mullet mean?

Refers to a hairstyle where the hair is longer in the back than on the top, with the sides often kept short.

Other definitions of Mullet:

  • A haircut where the back is untouched and the top and sides are cut very short. Often adopted by the hyper cool, or the very uncool.
  • A killer haircut that is popular among hipsters and rednecks. The hair is kept short on the top and sides, and very long on the back.
  • Hair that shorter on top and long in the back. If shaven on top/sides, the mullet becomes a skullet.

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How to use the term

  • Nice mullet! Business up front, party in the back!

  • The stylist gave me a mullet I didn't ask for.

  • They got a bunch of trendy tattoos and started drinking classy beers. The mullet is what really topped off the look.


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