What does Spell Coconut mean?

Other definitions of Spell Coconut:
- A sexual term — a woman, on top, riding their partner, imagines spelling the word coconut with their hips in the air to stimulate themselves and their partner.
- Spelling the word coconut while riding a dick. Moving your hips while trying to spell it will feel good for them (and yourself!)
- A beginner at cock-riding can imagine moving their ass to spell the word coconut while on top of their partner to give them the ride of their lives. Often mocked, especially if done incorrectly.
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How to use the term
Spell Coconut:
Girl, just try to spell coconut on it.
He blew up when I tried to spell coconut with him on the chair.
When I crossed the T when I was spelling coconut, he practically barked.
Wait, how do you spell coconut again?
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