What does TWERK mean?

A slang term for a booty-focused dance style that involves shaking and gyrating the rear end.

Other definitions of TWERK:

  • A dance style that focuses on shaking your butt/ass. A combination of the words twist and jerk, the slang also rhymes with "work", which applies, as the dance is often associated with making money.
  • A dance associated with hip-hop or pop music that emphasizes the buttocks by thrusting or shaking in a squatting or bent-over position.
  • To move around, usually dancing, in a rhythmic but somewhat sexual way; provocative dancing made famous by Miley Cyrus in her infamous on-stage performance

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of TWERK that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • We went to a twerk dance club and had so much fun!

  • I paid my way through college by selling twerk videos online.

  • Twerk for me! Make that money!

  • You got to... twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk.

Video related to TWERK


City Girls - Twerk ft. Cardi B (Official Music Video) | City Girls, YouTube

  • A Song that mentions "TWERK."
  • A 2019 single by American rappers City Girls, featuring Cardi B.

    The song's video focuses on many women displaying twerk dance moves and the lyrics encourage listeners to twerk as well.

  • Check it Out

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Jive Turkey

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