What does TYFC mean?

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More slang terms:

The head lighting technician on a film or TV set, or a British slang term similar to "geezer."

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. A disorder characterized by hormonal imbalance, cysts on ovaries, and menstrual irregularities.

"Let's F-ing Go!" A crisply succinct outcry manifesting excitement, determination, or eagerness for an upcoming event or activity.

Anxiety about missing enjoyable activities or events occurring elsewhere. Stands for "fear of missing out."

An Arabic term of affection typically used to address a loved one.

A slang abbreviation meaning one will suffer consequences after foolish actions. "F Around, Find Out."

A slang expression primarily used to convey fascination or shock, typically towards someone's attractiveness or physical appearance.

A tingling sensation often experienced in response to certain audio or visual stimuli, typically described as relaxation, euphoria, or goosebumps.

An acronym standing for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, typically used in educational, corporate, and activist contexts.

An abbreviation meaning talk to you soon, often used for casual signing-off in text communications.

An informal slang variation of the interjection 'okay,' typically reflecting impatience or mild annoyance.