What does Chancla mean?

The Latino term for flip-flop or slide shoe. Also referred to as "La Chancla", the term is indicative of child abuse — hitting misbehaving kids with a chancla to punish them.


Other definitions of Chancla:

  • Shorthand term for childhood punishment from parents, often the mother, who would take off their sandal and hit you for acting stupid. Comes from the Mexican term for slide shoes.
  • A deadly weapon when employed by an upset Latino parent who is going to punish a mouthy kid.
  • A Central/South American term for flip-flop sandal. Often thrown, this footwear becomes a punishing weapon.
  • A Latino/Mexican term for slide shoe or flip-flop. The term is indicative of the routine employment of the shoe as a punishment device used by parents on children. Attempting to teach a lesson, these irate parents abuse their kids with their shoes, which are always close. The term is used by these children to refer to the rigid rules they were raised with.

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How to use the term

  • Mad Parent: "Come here, you're getting la chancla!"

  • Mi madre raised me with la chancla.

  • Then my dad made me go get his chancla so he could smack me right there.

  • Duck! Here comes la chancla!


NPR Code Switch Opinion Piece: 'La Chancla': Flip Flops As A Tool of Discipline

  • A Website that mentions "Chancla."
  • A quick article summarizing the full effect of the chancla as a punishment tool.

  • Check it Out

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