Performed with exceptional skill, style, or confidence, demonstrating excellence.
A passive, conformist person with predictable or scripted behavior.
An expression indicating hesitation, awkwardness, or uncertainty.
Completely exhausted, overwhelmed, or out of sorts. Like a hard-boiled egg that was left cooking for an hour.
Possessing an especially cool, stylish, or impressive appearance.
Ride or Die
Someone unwaveringly loyal who supports another through thick and thin, no matter the consequences.
In a subtle or understated manner, quietly, or secretly.
No Diddy
A humorous slang phrase to emphasize seriousness or authenticity of a statement, indicating the speaker is not joking or exaggerating.
Nice Try Diddy
A sarcastic or skeptical retort implying someone's scheme or deceptive attempt has been unsuccessful.
Nepo Baby
A young individual who exploits family connections or influence rather than personal talent to achieve fame or success.