Recently Updated Slang Terms

  • Tripe

    Nonsense or foolish talk, typically dismissive in nature.
  • Ratchet

    An adjective describing something or someone crude, obnoxious, or disgracefully uncouth.
  • Ate

    Performed with exceptional skill, style, or confidence, demonstrating excellence.
  • Dutch Oven

    A crude prank in which someone traps another person under bed sheets after flatulence, creating an unpleasant situation.
  • Fishing in the Dark

    Engaging in romantic or sexual activities secretly, usually at night.
  • OMD

    An acronym standing for 'Oh My Days', an expressive reaction used to convey surprise, disbelief, or dramatic annoyance.
  • TMU

    A texting slang acronym for Tell Me Upfront.
  • Bubble Guts

    A sensation of noisy or unsettled abdominal discomfort, typically preceding a bout of diarrhea.
  • Demon Time

    Late-night, often scandalous or wild online activities.
  • Headass

    A mildly insulting term describing someone acting foolishly or saying something incredibly stupid.
  • Jive Turkey

    A person engaging in deceptive or nonsensical talk, often in an insincere or exaggerated manner.
  • Ace of Spades

    A playing card featuring a single black spade, traditionally recognized as the card of highest value within many games.
  • Unc Status

    A description for someone embracing characteristics associated with stereotypical uncle behavior.
  • Ketchum

    A playful reference implying intense determination and single-minded pursuit, usually referring to aspiring success reminiscent of Ash Ketchum from Pokémon.
  • Homestuck

    A highly complex and lengthy webcomic created by Andrew Hussie, known for its elaborate plot, interactive segments, and extensive fandom.
  • Egads

    An expression of shock, surprise, or mild alarm.
  • Fold

    To give in or surrender under pressure, often due to intimidation or embarrassment.
  • MO

    An abbreviation for modus operandi, meaning a habitual method or distinctive pattern of behavior.
  • PFP

    An abbreviation for 'profile picture', often used on social media or forums.
  • Ratioed

    Receiving significantly more negative feedback than positive interactions on social media, typically replies outnumbering likes.
  • Ohio

    Internet slang describing something bizarre, inexplicably cursed, boringly mundane yet utterly unsettling.
  • Femininomenon

    A cultural event or trend primarily propelled by female influence or interest.
  • NPC

    A passive, conformist person with predictable or scripted behavior.
  • Deadass

    A slang term meaning genuinely, seriously, or truly, without exaggeration.
  • Erm

    An expression indicating hesitation, awkwardness, or uncertainty.
  • Charizarding

    The dubious act of lighting one's intimate body hair on fire, typically for thrill or foolish display.
  • Hit a Lick

    To quickly acquire money through illegal or shady activities, often theft or robbery.
  • Cooked

    Completely exhausted, overwhelmed, or out of sorts. Like a hard-boiled egg that was left cooking for an hour.
  • Sus

    Suspicious or questionable in nature.
  • Lock In

    To intensely commit one's full attention and focus to a particular goal or activity.
  • It’s Giving

    An expression highlighting the vibe or impression someone or something strongly conveys, often humorously exaggerated.
  • Fire

    Exceedingly impressive or exciting, often referring to things like new fashion, music, or social trends.
  • Type Shi

    A phrase used to describe something typical or characteristic of a certain behavior or situation.
  • Slay

    To succeed spectacularly or impressively, often in fashion or style.
  • Geeking

    Overly excited or enthusiastic about something, often related to nerd-culture or personal interests.
  • Scrub

    A person, usually a guy, who is of low social or financial status and generally deemed undesirable.
  • Acoustic

    A stripped-down, simpler version of something, especially music, free from technological enhancements.
  • Mule

    A person who secretly transports illegal substances or contraband, often drugs, for someone else.
  • Fly

    Possessing an especially cool, stylish, or impressive appearance.
  • WASP

    An acronym for "white Anglo-Saxon Protestant," typically in reference to a specific segment of American upper-class culture.
  • Heifer

    A derogatory slang term describing a woman, typically implying that she is unattractive or unpleasant.
  • Tubular

    An adjective meaning extremely impressive, cool, or thrilling, especially referencing surf and skate culture.
  • Minx

    A playful or flirtatious young woman, often seen as provocatively charming.
  • Face Card

    A reference to someone's physical attractiveness and overall aesthetic appeal, specifically the face.
  • Fronting

    Acting like one has wealth, confidence, or courage that is nonexistent or exaggerated.
  • ONG

    A slang abbreviation indicating emphatic truthfulness or agreement, synonymous with expressions like 'I swear' or 'seriously'.
  • POS

    Short for 'Piece of S***,' a disparaging phrase indicating an individual or object is contemptible and worthless.
  • Zaza

    A slang term referring to high-quality, potent cannabis, particularly exotic strains.
  • Snowbunny

    A girl who enjoys snow sports like skiing or snowboarding, or a girl who pretends to enjoy snow sports for clout.
  • DDLG

    A type of relationship involving a dominant caregiver and a submissive partner adopting childlike behavior.

    "I Know You're F'n Lying," expressing sheer disbelief or astonishment at something absurdly ridiculous.
  • Honey Pack

    An enhanced honey supplement rumored to boost sexual performance and stamina, covertly beloved by men.
  • BTA

    Shortened slang for 'Bout That Action', used to describe someone ready and willing to engage in an activity, often referring to something risky or rebellious.
  • TPMS

    Slang acronym humorously adopted to mock someone overly dramatic, standing for 'Too Precious, Much Sensitive'.
  • LWK

    Shortened slang acronym for 'Lowkey', signifying subtle enthusiasm or understatement.
  • Pearl Necklace

    A slang term referring to a specific sexual act involving bodily fluids. Dare you read further?
  • GMFU

    "Got me F'd up," used online to express disbelief, irritation, or feeling misinterpreted, often humorously or sarcastically.
  • Anjin

    A slang term originating from Japanese meaning 'pilot' or 'navigator', often used metaphorically for someone who guides or leads.
  • Hershey

    A playful euphemism for a kiss, deriving from the chocolate brand Hershey's kisses.
  • Nymph

    Mythological divine beings often portrayed as youthful maidens inhabiting rivers, woods, or mountains.
  • RCTA

    A subculture where individuals claim to be transitioning from one racial or ethnic identity to another.
  • RNG

    A concept referring to random number generation, often associated with luck in gaming contexts.
  • RMA

    "Rate My Appearance," a casual, often sarcastic or provocative way to solicit opinions about one's attractiveness online.
  • Ride or Die

    Someone unwaveringly loyal who supports another through thick and thin, no matter the consequences.
  • Put the fries in the bag

    A playful demand signaling urgency or eagerness for fast food items, especially French fries.
  • Nieve

    Spanish slang describing someone innocent, gullible, or overly trusting.
  • Girth

    The circumference of something, typically referring to the measurement around the middle of an object.
  • PNP

    Shorthand expression for a social meet-up involving drug use, typically for partying and sex.
  • PMO

    An acronym meaning 'put me on', commonly used as a request to be informed or introduced to something interesting or appealing.
  • OTW

    "On the way," signifying that someone is currently en route to a destination.
  • Oral Copulation

    Sexual activity involving the mouth. This term is mainly used in formal proceedings in lieux of more common phrases.
  • Ouid

    A humorous intentional misspelling of weed (marijuana), used mainly to evade automated online content filters or censors.
  • Lowkey

    In a subtle or understated manner, quietly, or secretly.
  • Inspo

    An abbreviation for inspiration, typically referring to creative stimulus found online or in daily life.
  • Har Har

    A sarcastic imitation of laughter used when a joke isn't humorous or is considered lame.
  • Griefing

    The act of purposefully annoying, hindering, or harassing other players in multiplayer online gaming.
  • Goated

    Describing someone or something as exceptionally great or the absolute best.
  • FYSA

    "For Your Situational Awareness," indicating something meant to broaden someone's knowledge without implying immediate action or response.
  • ETOH

    Informal shorthand commonly used in medical contexts to denote alcohol, especially ethanol.
  • Down Bad

    Highly desperate or embarrassingly eager for romantic or sexual attention.
  • Carle Classic

    A signature move or action characteristic of someone named Carle, typically predictable and oddly charming.
  • Black Heart Emoji

    An emoji depicting a black-colored heart, often symbolizing dark humor, sarcasm, or nihilistic sentiments.
  • Aroace

    A term describing someone who experiences no romantic or sexual attraction.
  • Apateu

    An informal Romanian slang referring to one's residence, crib, or pad.

    An abbreviated form expressing limited certainty or knowledge about a subject.
  • Ad Vitam

    A Latin phrase meaning 'for life' or 'lifelong'
  • Rainbow Kiss

    An intimate act involving the exchange of fluids. Do you really want to know?
  • Chadliness

    The quality of exuding supreme confidence and masculine bravado without apparent effort.
  • PFA

    An abbreviation often used in emails meaning 'Please Find Attached', referring to attachments included with the message.
  • PAWG

    A slang acronym describing a woman possessing notably generous buttocks.
  • Ohana

    A Hawaiian word meaning extended family, blood relatives, adopted members, and close friends.
  • OML

    An acronym used online meaning 'oh my lord' to express surprise, shock, excitement, or exasperation.
  • Oolala

    An exclamation used to express surprise, admiration, or excitement, typically at the appearance of something attractive or alluring.
  • NVM

    Abbreviation of "nevermind," used to casually dismiss or retract a previous statement, request, or question.
  • No Diddy

    A humorous slang phrase to emphasize seriousness or authenticity of a statement, indicating the speaker is not joking or exaggerating.
  • Munting

    A particularly grotesque and purportedly nonexistent sexual practice. Research at your own risk.
  • Mukbang

    An online broadcast where someone consumes excessive amounts of food while interacting with their viewers.
  • Deus Vult

    A Latin expression uttered to indicate religious fervor, especially calling for a holy war or crusade.
  • Despacito

    An infectious Latin pop song by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee that became a global phenomenon.
  • Crackerjack

    An exceptionally skilled or talented person.
  • Corer

    A slang term referring to someone deeply passionate or obsessive about a niche or core subculture.
  • Crashing Out

    Engaging recklessly in self-sabotaging behavior following emotional stress or defeat.
  • Bodega

    A small neighborhood store selling basic food items, snacks, and household essentials, typically found in urban areas.
  • Briny

    Salty or tasting strongly of salt, like seawater.
  • BRB

    "Be right back." A shorthand way to inform others one is stepping away momentarily.
  • Banger

    A highly energetic, catchy, or exciting song or piece of media that elicits an enthusiastic reaction.
  • YMMV

    "Your mileage may vary." An acronym that expresses that results or experiences may differ among people.
  • Dragonfly

    An insect known for its elongated body and large compound eyes. And less appropriate meanings...
  • Womp Womp

    A sarcastic or dismissive reaction signifying disappointment or indifference to minor misfortunes.
  • TFTI

    "Thanks for the invite," indicating sarcastic gratitude for being excluded from an event.
  • DNI

    Shorthand for "do not interact," an instruction to specific individuals or groups not to engage or interact with the content or person posting it.
  • TBT

    Abbreviation for Throwback Thursday, an internet trend used to post nostalgic photos or memories on Thursdays.
  • Pillow Princess

    A sexual slang term referring to an individual who passively receives pleasure without reciprocating.
  • Papi Chulo

    A flirtatious or attractive man, often self-assured or suave.
  • Nice Try Diddy

    A sarcastic or skeptical retort implying someone's scheme or deceptive attempt has been unsuccessful.
  • Mogged

    Dominated or overshadowed in attractiveness, charisma, or physical stature by another person.
  • Mamacita

    An affectionate or flirtatious term used to refer to an attractive woman, typically in Spanish-speaking cultures.
  • MBN

    Abbreviation for 'must be nice', often used sarcastically or with envy.
  • JOI

    Erotic guidance intended for individual self-pleasure, frequently involving verbal instructions or scenarios.
  • Kojak

    A slang term referring to a person who is bald, often used mockingly or affectionately.
  • Hasselblad

    A prestigious and high-end Swedish camera brand, renowned for exquisite quality and astronomical price tags.
  • Hakuna Matata

    A carefree philosophy advocating stress-free living, popularized by Disney's The Lion King.
  • WYLL

    An acronym meaning 'What You Look Like,' typically used when requesting a picture or description on social media.
  • GVWR

    Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, the maximum loaded weight your vehicle can safely handle according to manufacturer standards.
  • Friends With Benefits

    A friendship involving casual sexual relations without romantic commitment or exclusivity.
  • Clout

    Social influence or power, especially within digital or celebrity spheres.
  • Chudai

    A crude Hindi slang term referring explicitly to sexual intercourse, carrying a vulgar connotation.
  • Best Boy

    Movie production worker assisting with lighting or rigging setup
  • Au Pair

    A young foreign person doing domestic and childcare work for a host family for cultural exchange and language learning.
  • Moneypenny

    A slang term used to describe a dependable, invaluable assistant or sidekick, usually female.
  • Huzz

    A state of excited celebration or ecstatic joy.
  • Folie A Deux

    A psychological phenomenon where two individuals share a delusional belief or illusion.
  • DBA

    An acronym from 'Doing Business As', referring to conducting business under a trade name other than the legal, registered name.
  • WYF

    Informal acronym questioning someone about their identity or intentions, commonly meaning 'Who You Fooling?'
  • Snowball Kiss

    An intimate exchange involving the transfer of fluids from one partner to another. Do you really want the details?
  • NFS

    An acronym meaning Not For Sale, indicating something that cannot be purchased.
  • KMS

    An abbreviation used online to dramatically or humorously express frustration, meaning to harm oneself.
  • Leachy

    Exhibiting clingy or overly dependent behavior towards others, often seeking emotional or financial benefits.
  • Lemmings

    Individuals who mindlessly follow others without question or independent thought.
  • Sheepshank

    A nautical knot used to shorten a rope temporarily or bypass frayed or damaged sections.
  • Witherspoon

    A casual, humorous slang term indicating a woman who strongly resembles or copies actress Reese Witherspoon’s stylish, Southern belle persona.
  • WSP

    A short and lazy greeting derived from 'what's up', used predominantly in informal digital communication.
  • 304

    Slang term derived from typing numbers on a calculator to spell out 'hoe', thus indicating promiscuity or loose morals.
  • 5150

    Police code indicating a mentally disturbed individual who may pose a danger to themselves or others.
  • Green FN

    A rare and highly sought-after virtual weapon within the game Fortnite, noted for its green rarity level.
  • OBO

    A shorthand acronym indicating the listed price is negotiable. Literally stands for "or best offer."
  • PRN

    An abbreviation commonly used in medical jargon. Among other meanings...
  • NGO

    An acronym for a non-governmental organization, typically referring to nonprofits, charities, or civil society groups which function independently from government control.
  • Nepo Baby

    A young individual who exploits family connections or influence rather than personal talent to achieve fame or success.
  • ACAB

    An acronym expressing disdain toward law enforcement as collectively corrupt or oppressive. "All cops are bastards."
  • WTV

    An abbreviation commonly meaning "whatever," used to indicate apathy or indifference.
  • Fein

    To crave or strongly desire something, often as an intense longing for a substance or experience. Variant of the verb "fiend."
  • Quid

    British slang term referring informally to a pound sterling, the British currency.
  • Preen

    To fussily groom oneself to appear more attractive or stylish. Preening too much can lowkey be sus.
  • Feral

    Behaving chaotically or wildly, often in an exuberant or uninhibited manner.
  • WTW

    An acronym that means "what's the word." Presented as a question, i.e. asking about current plans or activities.
  • NGL

    An acronym meaning 'Not Gonna Lie' typically used to preface honesty or bluntness.
  • KPI

    Key Performance Indicator. An obnoxiously valuable numeric measure for evaluating success.
  • IEP

    Individualized Education Program, a specialized education plan tailored for students with disabilities.
  • ATP

    Internet slang abbreviation meaning 'at this point,' used for expressing resignation or current realization.
  • Cis

    Someone whose gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • Gaffer

    The head lighting technician on a film or TV set, or a British slang term similar to "geezer."
  • PCOS

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. A disorder characterized by hormonal imbalance, cysts on ovaries, and menstrual irregularities.
  • LFG

    "Let's F-ing Go!" A crisply succinct outcry manifesting excitement, determination, or eagerness for an upcoming event or activity.
  • FOMO

    Anxiety about missing enjoyable activities or events occurring elsewhere. Stands for "fear of missing out."
  • Habibi

    An Arabic term of affection typically used to address a loved one.
  • FAFO

    A slang abbreviation meaning one will suffer consequences after foolish actions. "F Around, Find Out."
  • Gyatt

    A slang expression primarily used to convey fascination or shock, typically towards someone's attractiveness or physical appearance.
  • ASMR

    A tingling sensation often experienced in response to certain audio or visual stimuli, typically described as relaxation, euphoria, or goosebumps.
  • DEI

    An acronym standing for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, typically used in educational, corporate, and activist contexts.
  • TTYS

    An abbreviation meaning talk to you soon, often used for casual signing-off in text communications.
  • MMK

    An informal slang variation of the interjection 'okay,' typically reflecting impatience or mild annoyance.
  • HBY

    A brief, informal way to ask 'how about you', often used in digital communication.
  • Big Back

    A slang term describing someone with a notably broad or disproportionately wide back or shoulders.
  • LTR

    A shortened form denoting a long-term romantic or sexual relationship.
  • KMP

    An abbreviation meaning 'Keep Me Posted,' commonly used in digital conversations to request ongoing updates.
  • NWOT

    An acronym indicating apparel or accessories are new and unworn but missing original sales tags: "new without tags."
  • TLTR

    Abbreviation for a modified form of an acronym indicating excessively lengthy content. Specifically stands for "Too long to read."
  • ICL

    Acronym meaning 'I can't lie', implying honesty or sincerity.
  • IDKY

    An abbreviation expressing uncertainty or ignorance about the reasons behind something.
  • FOH

    A dismissive phrase equivalent to GTFO, encouraging someone to leave or stop talking, typically due to annoyance.
  • IGH

    An internet slang abbreviation expressing reluctant agreement or reluctant acceptance.
  • IKTR

    A slang abbreviation implying agreement or affirmation, meaning "I know that's right."
  • FYL

    An acronym for "F your life," expressing a playful insult directed at someone's poor decisions or misfortune.
  • ENM

    An abbreviation for ethical non-monogamy, indicating consensual open relationships with transparent boundaries.
  • Pookie

    A cutesy term of endearment used between romantic partners or extremely close friends, often ironically.
  • OTD

    An acronym representing the phrase "on this day," used to commemorate various forms of anniversaries.
  • Girthy

    Having substantial width, thickness, or circumference, especially when describing something round or cylindrical.
  • Hooha

    An informal, humorous euphemism for female genitalia.
  • 888

    Ate, ate, ate
  • 88888888

  • (N)

    Thumbs down (MSN)
  • *O/*

  • :

  • O/O

  • #1

    Number one
  • &

    Tongue tied
  • 'S

    Wrongly displayed 's
  • ♥

    HTML code for a heart
  • ‘(
