What does Chiraq mean?

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How to use the term
City residents and council members have request we no longer refer to it as Chiraq.
Video related to Chiraq
CHI-RAQ Official Trailer (2015) - Spike Lee [HD] | YouTube
- A Movie that mentions "Chiraq."
Chi-Raq is a 2015 American musical comedy film, directed and produced by Spike Lee.
The plot is based on Aristophanes' Lysistrata, in which women withhold sex from their combatant husbands to put an end to the Peloponnesian War.
- Check it Out
More slang terms:

Papi Chulo
A flirtatious or attractive man, often self-assured or suave.

Nice Try Diddy
A sarcastic or skeptical retort implying someone's scheme or deceptive attempt has been unsuccessful.

Dominated or overshadowed in attractiveness, charisma, or physical stature by another person.

An affectionate or flirtatious term used to refer to an attractive woman, typically in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Abbreviation for 'must be nice', often used sarcastically or with envy.

The quality of exuding supreme confidence and masculine bravado without apparent effort.

A slang term referring to a person who is bald, often used mockingly or affectionately.

A prestigious and high-end Swedish camera brand, renowned for exquisite quality and astronomical price tags.

Hakuna Matata
A carefree philosophy advocating stress-free living, popularized by Disney's The Lion King.

An acronym meaning 'What You Look Like,' typically used when requesting a picture or description on social media.

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, the maximum loaded weight your vehicle can safely handle according to manufacturer standards.