What does FAE mean?

Other definitions of FAE:
- Depending on context, can describe a subset of magical creatures within Folklore. As with many fantasy components, different groups may have wildly different understandings and limitations on what fae/fairy may do in their worlds.
- A Scot word for "From"
- An acronym for Field Applications Engineer, whose duties include technical support for salesmen and marketing at technology companies
- A shortening of Faerie, the Early Modern English word, meaning "realm of the fays". This catchall term can refer to creatures or objects related to certain supernatural folklore. Fairies, mermaids, selkies, and satyrs are just a few examples of Fae creatures.
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How to use the term
You have met the fae on your travels? Pray tell of your adventures.
A lithe fae creature transfixed me within those woods. Friend or foe, I dare not say.
Whaur are ye fae?
The FAE often travels with a salesman to local customer sites.
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More slang terms:

In its non-abbreviated form, "bet" is typically used as an all-purpose affirmative, as in "you bet" or "bet on it."

Frat Boy
A term that literally means any boy who has joined a fraternity. More likely, the term indicates someone who exemplifies stereotypical bro-culture via their looks and behavior.

An informal slang term meaning "hugs & kisses" at the end of a missive between two loved ones. The O's mean hugs, while the X's symbolize kisses.

A shortened form of the word "charisma" that refers to one's flirtation abilities.

And I oop
A viral phrase from a video by Drag Queen Jasmine Masters. In the video, Masters accidentally hits their groin and says in surprise "And I oop..." The phrase has become a slang response for any shocking or surprising event.

Skibidi Toilet
A reference to a bizarre series of YouTube videos involving 3D animated heads that pop out of toilets, titled "Skibidi Toilet."

Giga Chad
The ultimate meme of masculinity, referring to a man who is so manly that his power surpasses all others. Can be used ironically or literally depending on context.

Clothes, specifically an entire outfit that reflects well upon the wearer (as in, they are dripping with style).

A word to describe anything high class or rich in taste. Derived from the French "bourgeoisie."

An adjective referring to the privileged prep-school / rich kid aesthetic, or a noun for the prep-school rich kid themselves.

A recurring hookup, or a romantic relationship that has not been officially declared/defined.