What does G-Fazos mean?

Other definitions of G-Fazos:
- Nike Air Force 1's. A stylish pair of athletic shoes. The phrase gained popularity after becoming part of a TikTok meme, which involved a child rapper using the phrase in a song that was sampled.
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How to use the term
Yo, are those the new G-Fazos? Daaaamn they look good.
I got them all white G-Fazos on my feeeeeet.
Video related to G-Fazos
She Just Want My Love So She Gone Love Meeeeeeeeee - TikTok Compilation | YouTube
- A Meme that mentions "G-Fazos."
A compilation of TikToks that use the audio clip of a young child rapper. In the clip, he references how much pull his all-white G-Fazos (on his feet) give him. He is referring to his all white Nike Air Force Ones.
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