What does GUID mean?

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More slang terms:

An insect known for its elongated body and large compound eyes. And less appropriate meanings...

Womp Womp
A sarcastic or dismissive reaction signifying disappointment or indifference to minor misfortunes.

"Thanks for the invite," indicating sarcastic gratitude for being excluded from an event.

Shorthand for "do not interact," an instruction to specific individuals or groups not to engage or interact with the content or person posting it.

Abbreviation for Throwback Thursday, an internet trend used to post nostalgic photos or memories on Thursdays.

Pillow Princess
A sexual slang term referring to an individual who passively receives pleasure without reciprocating.

Papi Chulo
A flirtatious or attractive man, often self-assured or suave.

Nice Try Diddy
A sarcastic or skeptical retort implying someone's scheme or deceptive attempt has been unsuccessful.

Dominated or overshadowed in attractiveness, charisma, or physical stature by another person.

An affectionate or flirtatious term used to refer to an attractive woman, typically in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Abbreviation for 'must be nice', often used sarcastically or with envy.