What does SWAG mean?

A shortened term for swagger, which is maintaining cool style with confident self-assuredness.


Other definitions of SWAG:

  • An acronym for "Stuff We All Get", the stuff given out to all attending members of an event, like a convention.
  • A U.S. military acronym that stands for "Scientific Wild-Ass Guess", which is a rough estimate made by someone within the field.
  • Stolen money or goods, taken by a thief or burglar.
  • Curtain or piece of fabric that is hung so that it curves and droops.
  • Australian slang that refers to a portable tent that is used for camping or outdoor shelter.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of SWAG that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • With a new, iced-out chain, you know my swag game stepping up.

  • First thing we did on the convention floor is head to the swag table.

  • I'll take a swag at it and say that ridgeline is about 2 miles away.

  • I'll take the swag to the fence and see what we can get for it.

  • These swag curtains bring the whole room together. Very nice.

  • I took my swag and the pack up to Coomera for the weekend and the mozzies ate me up.

Video related to SWAG


YG - Swag (Official Music Video), YouTube

  • A Song that mentions "SWAG."
  • A song by rapper YG released July 2020. The artist gives plenty of examples of his swag, while other join in on the fun and dancing.

  • Check it Out

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Nonsense or foolish talk, typically dismissive in nature.



An adjective describing something or someone crude, obnoxious, or disgracefully uncouth.



Performed with exceptional skill, style, or confidence, demonstrating excellence.

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Dutch Oven

A crude prank in which someone traps another person under bed sheets after flatulence, creating an unpleasant situation.



An acronym standing for 'Oh My Days', an expressive reaction used to convey surprise, disbelief, or dramatic annoyance.



A texting slang acronym for Tell Me Upfront.

Bubble Guts

Bubble Guts

A sensation of noisy or unsettled abdominal discomfort, typically preceding a bout of diarrhea.

Demon Time

Demon Time

Late-night, often scandalous or wild online activities.



A mildly insulting term describing someone acting foolishly or saying something incredibly stupid.

Jive Turkey

Jive Turkey

A person engaging in deceptive or nonsensical talk, often in an insincere or exaggerated manner.